Short Biography
for Dwight B. Chestnut




Short Biography and General Background




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Dwight B. Chestnut is an ex-engineer turned business consultant and entrepreneur. His core focus and passion is developing, introducing and teaching Income Reengineering Principles and Processes to the general and business public. A simple definition of Income Reengineering is economic research in how to apply the internet and other information technology to dramatically improve the standard of living and wealth building capacity of the masses.


Dwight Chestnut was born and raised in a small town in Mississippi. He graduated from high school in 1976 and attended the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) between 1976 and 1980 where he earned a degree in Electrical Engineering (BSEE).

Upon graduating from college, he served four (4) years in the Air Force as an Air Force Engineering Officer where he functioned as a project engineer in the area of ICBM missile development. His project engineering career continued after he left the Air Force with a 7 year stay with TRW Space and Defense Systems in San Bernardino California.

In 1992, the "cold war" effectively ended and the bottom fell out of the defense industry where he, along with thousands of defense engineers, were caught in one of the largest defense industry layoffs and cutbacks in U.S. history. As the defense industry withered away, so did his engineering career. It was nearly impossible to transition 11 years of very specialized defense related project engineering experience into a non-defense engineering job.

So, in 1992, he launched a career in direct sales ...beginning with life insurance and ultimately ending up marketing technology related products to small business owners as a Small Business consultant. With the exception of a 2 year stay as an office manager at a Washington Mutual Home Loan Center, his sales career has been oriented around marketing technology related products and services to small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs.

In addition to selling to put food on the table, he launched several self-directed, part time technology related research initiatives. In 1995, when the internet begin to emerge as a mainstream phenomenon, one of it's claim to fame was that it will level the playing field between small and large companies ...making it easier for small business owners to compete with large corporations. Well, he figured, if this is the case, this internet revolution or information technology revolution should improve the standard of living for the average consumer worker. With this in mind, he begin to ask the questions it real and, if so, what will this higher standard of living look like on a large macro-economic scale?

For example, during the industrial revolution, the standard of living for the average worker increased significantly as workers migrated from farms and small shops to earning a wage in factories. It was a historic transition. As we undergo this information revolution, shouldn't there be a corresponding historic transition that dramatically improves the standard of living for the average worker?? If so, where is it? How will it materialize and what part will the internet play in delivering this higher standard of living to the average worker/consumer.

So, he launched several part time/spare time self directed research initiatives to address these questions. The results of this research is reflected in the conceptual and operational business models feeding Income Reengineering Principles and Processes. According the Mr Chestnut, it will be a long journey. However, when considering how the global information age is dramatically increasing the gap between rich and poor with more and more individuals ending up on the poor side of the gap, this is a journey worth taking.

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